Welcome to Public Forum Debate!
Monthly Topics:
September/October Debate Topic: Resolved: Unilateral military force by the United States is justified to prevent nuclear proliferation.
Monthly Topic Link: http://www.nflonline.org/StudentResources/Topics
***I will do my best to update these when they come out, but just in case I don't, here's the link!
Monthly Topic Link: http://www.nflonline.org/StudentResources/Topics
***I will do my best to update these when they come out, but just in case I don't, here's the link!
Your Event Captains: David Wu(Right), Joshua Tran(Middle)..and Unknown Specimen(Left) Name: David Wu
E-mail: [email protected] Cell Number: 626-560-4123 Name: Josh Tran E-mail: [email protected] Cell Number: 626-278-4864 Facebook Website: If any of you speechies are interested in doing Public Forum Debate aka PuFo, please feel free to join this Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/groups/580686955307360/ Team meetings, mock rounds, and group evidence searching dates will be constantly updated on this page so please be on a constant look out! Josh and I are looking forward to a great year with you PuFo'ers. Evidence Links:
Debate Tournaments With Public Forum Debate!
HOW TO DO PUBLIC FORUM DEFINED BY THE NATIONAL FORENSICS LEAGUE ITSELF: http://debate.uvm.edu/dcpdf/PFNFL.pdf About Public Forum Debate: When you turned on your Television and see Judge Judy or Judge Joe Brown, you were actively being enlightened by the wonders of Public Forum Debate. Public Forum is a form of debate that is purely based off of evidence, evidence and evidence...with a slight incorporation of logic and eloquence. Because this is a TEAM debate and a PREPARED event, you as a Public Forum debater get the best of two worlds. For those that feel insecure giving impromptu or extemporaneous speeches, this debate is for YOU. For those that prefer working as a team and having a friend or teammate as a source of comfort during competitions, this debate is for YOU. Unlike Parliamentary debate where you exercise your ability to circumvent questions and BS information, unlike Lincoln Douglass Debate where you are restrictively focused on moral ethics and human values, unlike Policy Debate where you develop tongue muscles from spreading, Public Forum debate offers invaluable skill assets that you can apply to your future. Remember that we are the next great generation, and that it is within our moral obligation to uphold these standards that our ancestors have set forth for the sake of future generations. Public Forum is the first step to fulfilling that role. Veritas Vos Liberabit (the truth will set you free). Choose Public Forum! Best Wishes, David Wu & Joshua Tran |