LD is a one-on-one debate focused on philosophy and ethics. Lincoln-Douglas is unique in the sense that it is usually the most "tech"-focused debate; it's the best to develop pure argumentative skill because it places a lot of emphasis on philosophical analysis, evidence comparison, logical justifications for arguments and multiple other skills. We'd highly encourage anyone who wants to focus on learning how to generate responses, logically justify their arguments, or get better at critical thinking in general to do LD. There is a new topic every 2 months, so you get a lot of time to prepare. :)
Morven SharpHey everybody! I'm Morven, the other event captain for the LD. This page, along with the dropbox that I implore you all to join, will have evidence packets, informative videos, student cases, and a surefire way to contact your event captain for anything concerning LD. I'll do my best to answer any of your questions about LD on the national or local circuit. Feel free to add me on FB or hit me up at [email protected] , contact me with (626)-898-3450.
Victor LiHey y'all! I'm Victor Li, one of your co captains for Lincoln -Douglas Debate this year. You can contact me at [email protected] or add me on FB. I'm also one of your officers this year, so if you need extra info on administrative/tournament issues, help on generic debate stuff, want to do drills, require help on math homework/minesweeper/tetris, just want to talk about life or anything like that you can talk to me about it. I don't bite.
News/UpdatesSeptember- October: Resolved: Just Societies ought to presume consent for organ procurement from the deceased.
ResourcesA Packet: http://debate.uvm.edu/dcpdf/LDIntroduction_to_LD_Debate_(NFL).pdf
Format of the Debate:http://facstaff.bloomu.edu/jtomlins/debate_formats.htm Video on Learning LD: http://nfltv.org/2010/03/15/learning-ld-debate/ Help on Utilitarianism: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBdfcR-8hEY Quick link to Social Contracts: http://www.iep.utm.edu/soc-cont/#SH2c Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: http://plato.stanford.edu/ Contact one of the captains if you want access to the dropbox. Morven Sharp and the OG Baller Hassan Noureddine