Welcome to OA!!
Hey OAer's! I'm Kelsea Jeon and I am your OA Event Captain! This year is gonna be amazing and I hope to meet & help every one of you guys to the best of my ability! My goal is to help all the OA'ers cut, polish, and review the speeches so that they become as great as they vwant it to be! On this page and on the facebook page, you will see updates on the upcoming tournaments and workshops. If anyone has any questions about ANYTHING, feel free to ask and I'll try to help ya out! Oh yeah, and always remember to have fun! :)
Upcoming Dates! - Fall Novice @ Gabrielino
- Fall Varsity @ Arroyo - Fullerton @ FJUHS - Spring Varsity @ Arcadia - Spring Novice @ Long Beach Poly - State Quals @ CSULB - Novice Champs IE @ Gabrielino Speech Results :DFall Novice-
Fall Varsity- Fullerton- Spring Novice - Spring Varsity- Berkeley Invitation - State Quals- Nat Quals - State Champs -